Friday, July 3, 2015

Words are only that. Actions are accountable. Today I begin my journey in accountability. My actions are now shared publicly and on displayed for better or worse, but nevertheless, I am accountable; first to my God, then my incredibly patient wife, children and amazing fellow brothers and sisters in Christ whom I serve, and slew of friends and colleagues...

I will use my voice and the empowering exposure afforded by technology to share from my humble viewpoint, all manners of life's lessons to put us in a position of being "Always Ready," which is the definition of the Greek phrase, Semper Paratus.

Blogging will result in having to learn new skills, be sensitive to my surroundings, but mostly will be my own therapy and release. If any can find common ground and receive a blessing, then you're free to come along for the ride. Participate in life. Find ways to contribute and make a difference in this great, big world of our. Time is short so here we go...

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